Our mission: To make you happy with us as your service provider!

Please see our Yelp and Google reviews! We are 5 out of 5 on Facebook!
Pristine Carpet Cleaning covers Nevada County, Placer County and the general Sacramento Metro area.
We are a members of the Nevada County Association of Realtors. We have lived in Grass Valley for over 27 years and we engage in volunteer work in the community.
We are referred most often by top Realtors, Interior Designers, and by Premier Fine Floors in Grass Valley.
Please see Premier Fine Floors on South Auburn in Grass Valley for your flooring/textile needs.
We also provide tile and grout cleaning services.
Call us for Category 1 water damage situations.
Please note: These services are limited to Category 1 flooding, such as sink or tub overflows or broken water supply lines.